Ep 13: A Message to the Good Savers

Today’s Debate:
Even for people who have been very responsible with their money over the years, entering retirement can still be a challenge because it’s such a different stage of life. Let’s discuss some of the areas where savers might make a few missteps so you’ll be better prepared in retirement.
Click the timestamps below to jump ahead in the episode…
Key Takeaways From This Episode:
Saving takes a lot of work. We’re talking days and months and years of discipline and responsibility, but the end result is usually a huge positive.
Those savers have worked so hard at building their retirement portfolio and we want them to enjoy the fruits of their labor. That’s why we want to list some problem areas that savers need to be aware of when they transition into retirement. These common mistakes are very avoidable and will help your accounts flourish later in life.
That’s the main focus of this episode of the Financial Forum Podcast. Chris Scalese will help us identify four different mistakes we see from savers, how they negatively affect us, and what we can do to correct those missteps.
Join us by using the audio player above and click on the timestamps below to skip around to specific topics.
[0:17] – What we’re talking about on this show and why.
[1:00] – First mistake: Too much in cash.
[4:45] – Next mistake: Taking on too much risk.
[6:43] – Next mistake: Not being prepared for the ticking tax time bomb.
[9:14] – Final mistake: Savers don’t spend enough.
A Potent Quotable:
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